
Why do you feel dizzy every now and then?(2)

9) Sometimes the cause of dizziness is anxiety. It is associated with more frequent panic attacks in people with anxiety disorders.

So, by now, I think you can understand a little bit about why people get dizzy when they read it. But dizziness will not stop with the nine points mentioned above. There are still many possible scenarios. However, it would take a whole book to describe everything, so I’m only summarizing the important ones. So, in order not to get dizzy, I think there are readers who want to ask about the little ones to avoid.

Therefore, for people who often feel dizzy, Things to avoid are –

1) from a lying position; Do not suddenly stand up from sitting. There is less blood flow to the brain, and not only do you get drunk, but you also tend to forget.
2) If I’m going to be hungry because I’m busy at work, I’ll at least eat some candy. Bring a drink or something. Not just eating. Either I swallowed it, By drinking soft drinks, you can control your blood sugar level, so you can prevent dizziness in advance.
3) Two liters of water a day to ensure adequate hydration. Drink about two and a half liters. For those who have diarrhea, depending on the amount of stool, they must drink saline solution again.
) People who are prone to anemia are often menstruating girls, so they are given supplements to improve the blood. meat, It is necessary to eat beans and vegetables in balance.
5) For those with mistletoe disease, doing the necessary muscle exercises regularly will relieve dizziness in the long run.
6) People with poor eyesight also have the necessary eye tests, I’m going to conclude this week’s article about dizziness by sharing that you should wear regular glasses as needed.

May everyone be healthy and happy.

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