
Attitudes that should be changed(1)

Attitudes that should be changed

Everyone wants to work comfortably and happily in the workplace. However, those who accept bad attitudes are not as comfortable as they should be. They are settled. If the workplace is comfortable, They are not happy. For the writer, the longer the working life, the slower the development. can I see attitudes around me that can keep me away from happiness. . I think that if you have these attitudes, you should definitely try to get rid of them. Considered.

Being satisfied with a situation

Continue to develop knowledge and understanding of his professional career. Not learning and being complacent and stagnant is not to improve life. It is a big obstacle. 0 must be improving day by day. I must be better today than I was yesterday. To improve that knowledge, We must always seek and study knowledge. In today’s technological age, if he stands still, he will be left behind by others. I will stay. Therefore, you should try to improve your skills every day. However, as his age gradually increased, so did his abilities. Will grow up. For example: Those who make a living by creating software. Software Engineer (Software Engineer), A website where programmers provide technical information. They study on the Internet almost every day. Only then learn new techniques in line with the times. will be able to acquire. If you don’t learn that, you will only be in the old, more innovative, It may not be possible to create better software. His current job is better than his previous job. Isn’t it necessary to be the best? Similarly, as people who work in other vocational schools Also, you should learn to visit related websites on the Internet. Yes. In addition, knowledge As a person who wants to increase the knowledge of Bahu Sutras, he also thumbs up books and literature. You just have to read it daily.

Not wanting to take responsibility

In the workplace, when given responsibilities by superiors, they do not take on the responsibilities given to them. Unwillingly handing over to others is not a good act for oneself. If the work is too difficult for him and he doesn’t want to take responsibility, he tells himself. Because of his disbelief, his new abilities appeared. yes At that time, whenever there was a difficulty, he became fearful and turned it over to others. It can be a habit. In addition, if he were to delegate responsibility, he would not be able to do it. Giving it to him? The superior may think that he does not want to take responsibility and avoids his head. If you think like this, your superiors will appreciate your ability. not Other employees may think less of him. Not being able to do the tasks given by the superiors. If the responsibility is delegated due to being too flat, then the person who delegated the work to the superior You should clearly explain to your partner that you have too much work to do. Yes.

Only one wants to take responsibility

Some people want to take responsibility for any work alone. He will accept it, He said he would do it, but they didn’t want to share the work with others. . If you carefully consider this attitude, it is the attitude that he wants to enter. , He feels like he wants to do it all by himself. If you look at it from the surrounding area, others can’t do it, so he takes responsibility and does it alone. As it is. Why would you want to do this alone? The answer is as clear as going to the field. If he divides his duties, his importance in the workplace will decrease. It will be because he is worried. In addition, he is worried that the duties of his superiors will be reduced. will be However, if he alone is responsible for such a large amount of work, the work will be fast. Fast completion can also be slow. In addition to that, due to having to finish the work quickly alone, mistakes also occur. can have For others, the knowledge they will get from work. There will be no more experience.

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