Analysis by historians According to the studies, U Kula is only worth adding stories from the side of Yoda to the Great Chronicle.
U Kula wanted to suppress the fair schools of that time, and to make the good stories worse, he only added the story from the side of Yodae, which he got from his grandmother.
It is worth just adding the story of the Pagan war that he got from his grandmother’s side.
Therefore, from the Pagan War, Byatwi, Byata stories are also written by U Kula.
Anawrahta didn’t fight that thong either. If it is not because of Arahman from Thatthong and the Pitakata, where did Bagan get Theravada Buddhism?
It comes from Sri Ketira, known as Seri Ketira.
In addition, there are stone inscriptions that prove that there was a Theravada Buddhist religion in Bagan before Anoratha.
- It is also in the Bagan Chronicle that Anawrathamin’s father, Kuon Sao Ka Pyu (Kyala Pyu) deposed you from the throne and forced you to become a monk. It is also in the history of U Kula. Not to make hermits wear it. It is to make a monk. (Writing inconsistently by Ukula himself.) Bagan wall ink inscription evidence that the king (King Kuon Sao) built and donated a large white school. King Kuon Sao, who donated the construction of the White School, Kuon Sao White School, When Anawrahta ascended the throne, U Kula said that he presented the title of “Sangha Min Hại” to his father, the monk king.
- Saw Rehan Min donated the construction of a monastery in Tutleung Thant. It was destroyed, and there is stone inscription evidence that it was rebuilt during the reign of Uznamin (AD 1212). After Ashoka’s Third Synod, there was no initiation into Mahayana. No monks. There are only great hermits.
(Yes, tein only exists in Theravada. Ordination can only be done by Theravada monks. Anawrahta (AD 1044) was you. So, because it has existed since the time of Saw Raheem, it is a very clear evidence that Theravada has existed in Bagan since before the birth of Anoratha.) Where did Bagan begin (from the era of Sri Ketira to the Bagan era)
At the end of the 1st century AD and the beginning of the 2nd century, the truce was broken.
(Min Nay Pyi Taw is lost) In AD 107 (the beginning of the 2nd century AD), the nephew of King Sera Cheethar, King Okeanzam, conquered the island of Yoonmuk, The first Pagan King Naypyitaw was established in a place called Pyugam (Pyu market town). With the name Arimadhanapura. In AD 344 (year 266), the King of the King, who ascended the throne, founded the second Bagan city named Sripisya in the place of Lokananda. In AD 516 (year 438), Thaitai Min, who ascended the throne, established the third Bagan city, Tammavati, in the place of Thamathi. Bagan was founded in 849 AD, 3 years after the reign of King Pa Pia, who ascended the throne in AD 846 (year 208). The name comes from the name of the first Pagan, Arimaddanapura, which means successful.Arimadana, Sri Lanka Tamavati, Look at the names of Pagan Min Nay Pyi Taw.
Not a mon name. Let’s say Maharana is not a Sanskrit name.
Pali names used only in Theravada. This is evidence that Theravada existed before Anoratha.The break was broken and it became Bagan.
It is said that Bagan received Theravada Buddhism from Sera Cheetah. So, we are going to have to show evidence that the Theravada Buddhism flourished in Rayakita. 1926 During the time of the Burmese Antiquities/Archaeology Officer Chadur Royzel, 20 gold pechap tablets were found when excavating a pagoda stump in U Khin Ba Yapaw, the old city of Tharechitha. On those golden tablets, excerpts of Theravada (Thut, Vicha, Abhidhamma) are inscribed in Brahmikana characters used in Buddha’s and Ashoka’s eras. Other Theravada religious buildings in Sārakītā, Stupas, There is a lot of evidence of votive idols, etc.
(Bobo, Bebe, Bodhima, Pye Shwe Kheung) used only by the Theravada sect even at the gate of the old city of Sera Cheetah. Moruthu, written in Pali, which was not used by Mahayana, Mangalathuch rock pillar, On the other hand, according to the discovery of Yadanathuch stone pillars, Serathera is the Theravada Pyu Myanmar kingdom.
Bagan, founded by Theravada Pyu Myanmar from that era, is the Theravada Bagan Kingdom.
There are 55 Bagan dynasties, starting from the founder of Bagan, who was the brother-in-law of King Raya Cheethar, to Saw Monit. (Commentary on the board, Horoscope, ) Anawrahta was the 42nd king.
Before the 42nd Anawrahta, the 3rd century AD brick pagodas were found in the Thapana area of the Pagoda Pagoda, which was built during the reign of the 3rd Pyu Saw Hội Min.
By looking at it, Bagan has been flourishing in Theravada Buddhism since that time.
Bagan Kingdom has been a Theravada Buddhist kingdom since before Anawrathamin (1044 AD) as evidenced by the above evidence.
The scriptures. . Boon Tin Kyaw Burmese history that has been over two years (1, 2)
Boon Tin Kyaw If you check, Myanmar
U Kula, Great history
(For those who want to search for and read the ancient Burmese stone inscriptions (five volumes), Bagan Chronicle, The Book Commentary, History of Nine Hundred and Ninety Thousand Pagodas of Bago, Horoscope Book for the Years, Chronicle, etc.)
The Encyclopaedia of the Righteous