
“Love or hate doesn’t matter”

“Love or hate doesn’t matter”

Wherever you go, there are people who love you and people who hate you. Everyone wants to have people to love and not have people to hate. But this is an impossible thing, and a prize that cannot be fulfilled in any way.

If you think about it more seriously, the Buddha has someone who loves him and hates him. There are those who love him and those who hate him.

“Then we will have to accept that there is someone who loves even the bad and the stupid.”

Therefore, the absence of a loved one, When the presence or absence of haters cannot define a person’s good or bad, it becomes a question of what can define people as good or bad.

Being loved by a Buddha is the greatest reward, but the love of a Devadatta will burn the loved one like hell. Therefore, being hated by Devadat will make the victim’s life more valuable than being loved by Devadat.

In the same way, the love of a steadfast and correct teacher, whom I respect and value, is infinitely valuable. On the other hand, if the person who supports me and loves me is a fool and unfaithful, I think that his hatred is more valuable to me than his love. Sometimes the hatred of fools makes the path of good people brighter. We need to see this.

So don’t feel every love and hate. What we should really appreciate is the love of good people and the hatred of fools, and the time we will reflect is when we get the love of fools. It’s time to get hated by good people.

As we learn to analyze this, we are those who have become accustomed to the valueless hatred. They became more mature people.

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