“Love or hate doesn’t matter” Wherever you go, there are people who love you and people who hate you. Everyone wants to have people to love and not have people to hate. But this is an impossible thing, and a prize that cannot be fulfilled in any way. If you think about it more seriously, […]
Historical evidence that Theravada Buddhism flourished in Bagan since before Anoratha(2)
Analysis by historians According to the studies, U Kula is only worth adding stories from the side of Yoda to the Great Chronicle. U Kula wanted to suppress the fair schools of that time, and to make the good stories worse, he only added the story from the side of Yodae, which he got from […]
Historical evidence that Theravada Buddhism flourished in Bagan since before Anoratha(1)
Historical evidence that Theravada Buddhism flourished in Bagan since before Anoratha Paying homageStone inscription in this history article. We pay our respects to Mr. Boon Tint Kyaw, a professor of historical studies who has collected and identified all the evidence of Pesa records. Is it the original cow?In Bagan, before Anoratha Minsaw, the worship of […]
Why do you feel dizzy every now and then?(2)
9) Sometimes the cause of dizziness is anxiety. It is associated with more frequent panic attacks in people with anxiety disorders. So, by now, I think you can understand a little bit about why people get dizzy when they read it. But dizziness will not stop with the nine points mentioned above. There are still […]
Why do you feel dizzy every now and then?(1)
Why do you feel dizzy every now and then?==========================================Sunshine (Method-1) I am not clear in my head,dizzy, It’s crazy, it’s crazy, Dizziness can be experienced in various forms, such as feeling dizzy like surfing. Especially people who tend to get dizzy when traveling can be very upset on their own. Some of them can’t bear […]
Attitudes that should be changed(2)
In addition, everywhere, in the workplace that I am working with, I see myself as another colleague. The parties will not be satisfied. Blame others In any case, he projects any of his faults on others. The mind is a very low state of mind. Inhumane mentality. Because of him, others may find good luck. […]
Attitudes that should be changed(1)
Attitudes that should be changed Everyone wants to work comfortably and happily in the workplace. However, those who accept bad attitudes are not as comfortable as they should be. They are settled. If the workplace is comfortable, They are not happy. For the writer, the longer the working life, the slower the development. can I […]
All women are precious, Brahmin
….. After reading the letter to the end, if you should still, then stillLet’s not want to cheat on women…..……………………Knowledge …………………… …. All women are precious, Brahmin————————————————– ———-Once a Brahmin was entering the palace as he was very close to the king, so he entered the inner chamber to meet the king.Without seeing the king, […]